Troy, Tennessee (Obion County)
Larry Miller, Tennessee Place Names: "The Troy made famous in the writings of Homer inspired this place-name."

Ancient Troy
The fall of Troy, succinctly and horrifically depicted in Ovid's "little Aeneid."
Mittitur Astyanax illis de turribus, unde
pugnantem pro se proavitaque regna tuentem
saepe videre patrem monstratum a matre solebat.
Iamque viam suadet Boreas, flatuque secundo
carbasa mota sonant: iubet uti navita ventis;
"Troia, vale! Rapimur" clamant, dant oscula terrae
Troades et patriae fumantia tecta relinquunt.
Mittitur Astyanax illis de turribus, unde
pugnantem pro se proavitaque regna tuentem
saepe videre patrem monstratum a matre solebat.
Iamque viam suadet Boreas, flatuque secundo
carbasa mota sonant: iubet uti navita ventis;
"Troia, vale! Rapimur" clamant, dant oscula terrae
Troades et patriae fumantia tecta relinquunt.
Loeb Translation:
"And Astyanax was hurled down from that tower where he was wont often to sit and watch his father, whom his mother pointed out fighting for honor and safeguarding his ancestral realm. And now the North-wind called them on their way and the sails flapped loud, swelled by the favoring breeze. The mariner gives command to sail. 'O Troy, farewell! We are forced away,' the Trojan women cry; they kiss their land and turn their backs upon their smoking homes."